How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Need some fresh ideas on how to spice things up in the bedroom? Look no further! We've gathered advice from 21 women who are sharing their top tips for initiating intimacy. From setting the mood to trying new things, these ladies have got you covered. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting to date, there's something for everyone. Check out the full article for some steamy inspiration here!

When it comes to initiating sex, it's often assumed that it's the man's job. However, women also have desires and needs, and many are comfortable taking the lead in the bedroom. To get some insight into how women initiate sex, we asked 21 women about their experiences and strategies. Here's what they had to say:

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Setting the Mood

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For many women, setting the mood is an important part of initiating sex. This can involve anything from lighting candles and playing music to giving their partner a massage. One woman explained, "I like to create a romantic atmosphere by dimming the lights and putting on some sexy music. It helps to get us both in the mood."

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Being Direct

Some women prefer to be direct when initiating sex. This can involve simply telling their partner that they want to have sex or initiating physical contact in a clear and deliberate way. One woman said, "I don't beat around the bush. If I want to have sex, I'll just tell my partner and see where it leads."

Flirting and Teasing

Flirting and teasing can be a fun and playful way to initiate sex. This can involve sending flirty texts throughout the day, wearing lingerie, or engaging in playful banter. One woman shared, "I like to tease my partner throughout the day to build up anticipation. It makes the sex even more exciting when it finally happens."

Surprising Their Partner

Some women enjoy surprising their partner to initiate sex. This can involve initiating sex in unexpected places or at unexpected times. One woman explained, "I like to surprise my partner with spontaneous sex. It keeps things exciting and adds an element of surprise to our sex life."

Using Nonverbal Cues

Nonverbal cues can be a subtle yet effective way to initiate sex. This can involve making prolonged eye contact, initiating physical contact, or using body language to convey desire. One woman said, "I like to use nonverbal cues to let my partner know that I'm in the mood. It adds an element of mystery and can be really sexy."

Building Anticipation

Building anticipation can make sex even more exciting for both partners. This can involve engaging in foreplay, sending suggestive messages, or creating a sense of anticipation throughout the day. One woman shared, "I like to build anticipation by sending my partner sexy messages and teasing him throughout the day. It makes our sex even more intense when it finally happens."

Taking Charge

Some women enjoy taking charge when initiating sex. This can involve being assertive and confident in expressing their desires. One woman explained, "I like to take charge and be assertive when I want to have sex. It's empowering and it shows my partner that I know what I want."


Initiating sex is an important part of a healthy and fulfilling sex life. While the traditional idea may be that it's the man's job, many women are comfortable taking the lead in the bedroom. Whether it's setting the mood, being direct, flirting and teasing, surprising their partner, using nonverbal cues, building anticipation, or taking charge, there are many ways that women initiate sex. Ultimately, communication and understanding your partner's preferences are key to a satisfying sex life.